Our Studio’s Website: Dream Faster

Follow along with our public projects: Our github page

Hi! 👋

We are Dream Faster Studio, a Machine Learning Research Studio specialized in Nowcasting/Forecasting.

Based in Berlin, we currently collaborate with Machine Learning Practicioners and Researcherss across Europe and the Americas.

We aspire to:

  • Build the most usable, open-core Time-Series Machine Learning tools available.

  • Bring speed, rigour and transparency to the field of Forecasting/Nowcasting.

  • Work with experts to develop useful tools and solutions to real-world problems.

  • Make state of the art Time-Series models accessible to everyone.

Check out our Open-Core libraries


A Time Series Cross-Validation library that lets you build, deploy and update composite models easily. An order of magnitude speed-up, combined with flexibility and rigour.



Lightweight Evaluation of Time Series Forecasting (Classification and Regression) with powerful Reporting.



Models and wrappers for 3rd party models to be used with `fold` (github.com/dream-faster/fold)


Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EKJQgfuBpE

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Become part of the journey in experimenting with a new way of organising technological spin-offs. We write deep insights into what went well and wrong in our projects, and show the state of affairs in those segments.

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Subscribe to Applied Exploration

The official blog of Dream Faster (dreamfaster.ai), specialized in Nowcasting/Forecasting and Machine Learning.


Creating a Machine Learning studio with @hellosemy: http://appliedexploration.com. engineer / researcher / ex-CTO of @language_drops